Games from Around the World



Let’s Get Moving! A compilation of activities from P.E. classes and playground games found around the world.

This is a compilation of 20 different activities you can use in your homeschool gym class, co-op, learning pod, youth group, or just gather some neighborhood kids together for fun! Take these beyond just “gym class” by tying them in with your geography lessons so your students can learn even more about the children where these games are played. If you don’t have listed supplies listed on hand, feel free to improvise!

Each activity fits on a single sheet of paper, and includes easy to understand directions so you can simply print and hand it to anyone leading your group. It lists the name of the game, the country where it is played, and is broken down into these categories to quickly understand what is needed:

Skills taught
Supplies needed
Space needed
Object of the game
Directions to play the game
Scoring, if applicable

Highlighted countries are: Australia, Spain, Canada, Israel, Italy, Japan, China, United Kingdom, and former Czechoslovakia.

As with any game or activity, make adjustments or accommodations to fit your student’s abilities, your available space, and supplies on hand.  There have been some alternative suggestions listed on some of the games.

Most of all, HAVE FUN!


tags: homeschool gym physical education P.E. games playground


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