Cooking 101 – Lesson 2



Cooking 101 lessons are designed to help you confidently teach kids how to create and get comfortable in the kitchen. We suggest you start with Lesson 1 and progress in order, as new skills are taught and built upon each week.  However, use your judgement!

  • LESSON TWO: Fruit Parfaits
    The second cooking lesson is easy to customize and teaches a very foundational kitchen skill — KNIFE SAFETY.  Printable take-home recipe and a worksheet included that reminds them of how to be safe with knives in the kitchen and most importantly, to always ask for adult permission first!


The Cooking 101 series is designed as an introduction to working in the kitchen. This means the recipes are simple, yet delicious, and the focus is on learning skills they will continue to build upon for a lifetime! These have been tested and approved by groups of students, but you can easily use these at home with just 1 child.

Lessons include a detailed supplies list, including the kitchen supplies needed. Each lesson should take about 1 hour, however, you want to be able to eat your creations at the end, so be sure to keep an eye on the clock and adjust as needed. The biggest suggestion is to make sure students read the recipe clearly and let them do the work, including the dishes! Learning to properly clean their mess is a very important part of working in the kitchen.

Each lesson is formatted in the following sections:

  • Ingredients: The list of ingredients that will be needed for each recipe. Use this as a quick checklist to make sure you bring all the supplies needed the day of class.
  • Supplies: The kitchen tools and supplies needed to make your recipe. Some items can be shared, like an oven or measuring spoons, others will need to be provided for each recipe. This is designed to be a quick checklist to make sure you bring all things needed for each class.
  • Tips and Tricks: These are for the teacher to read prior to class. They include tips and tricks we’ve learned from making these recipes with students.
  • Let’s Talk: This section is the lesson portion of your cooking class. You can literally read it to them word-for-word, or can use it just for talking points and helpful things that students need to know before cooking begins.
  • Let’s Cook: This is your recipe with all the helpful tips and teacher’s instructions included for each step. Throughout the recipe, there are teacher’s notes and instructions to give teachers detailed direction throughout the class.
  • Recipe: This is the portion that should be printed and given to students. When possible, both half sheets and whole sheet recipes are provided for you to choose which best fits your needs. Always print extra recipes for students as they are likely to get dirty during your cooking time.
  • Let’s Wrap It Up: These are talking points to review the lesson, and fill time at the end, if needed. Encourage your students to try the recipe again at home!

We are so glad you are choosing to help your students build skills that will serve them for a lifetime. Please enjoy Cooking 101 right along with them!

Don't forget to grab your FREE lesson: Beyond the Book - Wangari's Trees of Peace Dismiss