
I can’t believe we are already in November! For most, that means focusing on a “month of thankfulness” and trying to fit in all the fall things that we couldn’t squeeze in last month. Not here though! Not that we aren’t thankful and grateful, but honestly we are burnt out from the constant GO.

Do you ever feel that way too?

We are now nearing the end of our fall homeschool co-op semester, and both September and October were full of non-stop homeschool field trips and activities. So what better way to reset and refill than to say “NO” during November?! We are being mindful to stop letting FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out) dictate our lives and cause us to say “yes” to every opportunity that comes our way. Because if you allow it, homeschool life can get SO busy and packed that you are rarely at home.

Interestingly enough, saying NO in November frees you to where you’re actually saying YES to the things that matter…

YES to extra one-on-one time with your kids.
YES to catching up on things around the house.
YES to trying a new skill or hobby.
YES to more sleep.
YES to mental health.
YES to cultivating purposeful relationships.

Share with us — what is one thing you will be saying YES or NO to during November???

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